… for half-time in the football or rain delays in the tennis.
The Independents
What to do in this market II: Gotham Funds
Brooklyn Investor looks at Joel Greenblatt’s new offerings.
Warren Buffett’s $12 Billion Disney Mistake
Nobody’s perfect.
Selling the Crown Jewels
DIY Income Investor takes action on shrinking dividend yield
The Professionals
Turn, Turn, Turn
Doug Kass urges caution
Ross’s $678 Million Gain Leaves Irish Bank Chasing Growth
Wilbur Ross cashes out of Bank of Ireland
Alastair Mundy: investors overlooking Tesco’s strengths
The contrarian buys Tesco but Woodford remains on the side lines
The Pundits
Sterling nears 5-year high – time to sell?
Or time to buy foreign investments?
I’m just realizing how stupid we are
Morgan Housel takes stock
Red Herring
Selfish, Whining Monkeys by Rod Liddle review
Will Self delves into Rod Liddle’s mind: a nerve-wracking prospect.