
Voya Corporate Leaders — The Really Forever Fund

The Voya Corporate Leaders Trust Fund was founded on one simple piece of logic – companies that prospered in the Great Depression could prosper in all economic and market conditions. The Trust’s founders therefore picked 30 of the strongest American corporations of that fairly grim time (1935) and bought them in equal amounts for their fund. The rule […]

Key Man Risk and the Lindsell Train IT

The Lindsell Train Investment Trust (LTI) has just released its Anuual Report for the year to March 2014 (available from their website here). The NAV increased by a healthy 13.1%, which brings the total return for the last five years to 133.8%. March 2009 was approximately the time that markets began to turn after the Financial Panic […]

Personal Assets Trust – the Four Pillars

Robin Angus, Executive Director at Personal Assets Trust, has released the trust’s latest Quarterly Report. As always, this is an enjoyable read and is available on the Personal Assets Website. He starts off with an anecdote about a friend of his who suffers from chronic comparisonitis–a common condition, which causes investors to perpetually seek out and expunge the worst performers in their […]

Asset Allocation – What are the asset classes?

Before you decide what to invest in, you have to consider what you can invest in. Warren Buffett, in an excellent article for Fortune, breaks investments into three categories: Currency-based investments Money-market funds, bonds, mortgages, bank deposits. Unproductive assets Commodities, gold, wine, art, flash motors, and so on. Productive assets Businesses, farms, real estate, and […]